To start tracking data, we are going to have to enter the Game Key and Secret Key from your game's analytics profile into hyperPad.
To do this, we need to go into the Global Properties from the Top Tool bar in the Main Editor.
Enter the Tracking Keys
Next, enter the Game Key and Secret Key that we got from GameAnalytics into the GameAnalytics Key fields. If you don’t have your ID, follow the instructions in the Setting Up GameAnalytics article.
With that we can already start tracking data. By entering the tracking keys, hyperPad will automatically start tracking your users’ sessions.
From the session, you can see how long people are playing your creation, which scene people are in the most, how many people reach a certain scene, how many people come back to play your creation, and more. You can even see how many people are currently playing your creation at that exact second in real time! You can get tonnes of information just from your user’s session alone.