Calculate the Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Arcsine, Arccosine, or Arctangent of a number. You can also calculate the absolute value, raise a number to an exponent, and perform logarithmic and factorial calculations. The input when calculating the Sine, Cosine or Tangent is in degrees and the output when calculating the Arcsine, Arccosine or Arctangent is also in degrees. This behavior triggers immediately.
Supported Functions
Sine |
sin(a) |
Cosine |
cos(a) |
Tangent |
tan(a) |
Arcsine |
asin(a) |
Arccosine |
acos(a) |
Arctangent |
atan(a) |
Exponent |
a^b |
Absolute (Absolute Value) |
|a| |
Factorial |
a! |
Logarithmic |
log(a,b) |
Math Function |
Outputs the result of the selected function as a value. |