The Physics Properties tab in the Object Properties allow you to quickly adjust various physics settings of your object.
Physics Modes:
The physics modes are toggles that change the way your object behaves in your scene.
Physics Object: When you select this option, your objects conform to the laws of physics. For example, they will fall due to the force of gravity. They can also collide with other Physics objects or Wall Objects.
Wall Object: Wall objects will not move when bumped into and cannot be affected by external forces. Wall objects typically have collision boundaries that are used for buildings and the ground.
Scenery Object: Scenery objects have no collision boundaries and exist only as a graphic in your scene. This essentially disables the physics engine for your object.
Tip:If you notice that your scene is becoming slow or unresponsive, try making the objects that do not interact with anything else in your scene a Scenery Object.
Passable Toggle:
When the switch is on, your object has no collision boundaries and will pass through other objects.
The friction of an object changes how easily it can slide across other surfaces or objects. The lower the number, the more slippery. This is hidden when the object is a Scenery object.
Remember, that both interacting objects friction values need to be taken into consideration. Changing the friction of only one object may not give you the desired effect.
The bounce value changes how bouncy your object is. If you set the value too low, you object will be like a bowling ball.
Remember, that both interacting objects bounce values need to be taken into consideration. Changing the bounce of only one object may not give you the desired effect.