In the Introduction, you saw that there are five steps on submitting an app to the App Store. The first step is to create an App ID. The App ID is used for code signing your app with Provisioning Profiles and also submitting your app to the App Store via iTunes Connect. To create an App ID, we're going to need to sign in the Developer Member Center.
Login to the Apple Developer Member Center
In order to make an App ID, you need to sign in to the Apple Developer Member center at After logging in, click "Member Center" in the navigation bar.
Click Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
Next, click on Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles. This will take you to a menu where you can do different operations on your Apps.
Click Identifiers
Now click on Identifiers, which will show you a list of all the different App IDs that you have created in the past.
Click on the + (Add new App ID)
Here, create a new App ID by pressing the + button. This will show a form to create a new App ID.
Fill in the Form
Now we are simply going to fill in the form. You can keep all the other options to their default settings because you can change them later if you need to. When you're all Done Hit Continue.
For the App ID Suffix, you can either use an Expicit App ID or a Wildcard App ID. If you don't plan on using any of the services listed under Explicit App ID, you can share the same App ID with your future apps.
Click continue and review your App ID. Click Submit if everything is OK.
Where To Go From Here
Now that you've successfully submitted an App ID, you're going to want to create a Distribution Provisioning Profile so you code sign your app to work in the App Store! Click here to see how to create a Provisioning Profile.