What to Track
In this example, we want to see if any interactive objects are being ignored. We can track an event to see if anyone will touch the coin in our scene. If no one does, then people may not know that the coin is interactive, and may have to adjust how obvious to make the object.
Track Event Behavior
Lets dive into the behaviours of the coin and track the event.
1. The Track Event behaviour is in the Custom category.
2. Add the Track Event behaviour onto the canvas.
3. Connect the Started Touching behaviour to the Track Event behaviour to track the event that the player touches the coin.
Right now we aren’t tracking anything so we need to tell the behaviour what we’re tracking.
Tell Analytics What We Are Tracking
We need to tell GameAnalytics what we are tracking for the event to show up in the game's analytics profile.
1. The Event ID will act as the event category. This will be the description of the event that will show up in GameAnalytics. In this case, set it to "Tapped coin:First coin".
Note: Events can be categorized into hierarchies by separating the Event ID with a ( : ) colon. An example of when this would be useful is if we had a second coin we also wanted to track. In that case, we could give it the event ID "Tapped coin:Second coin".
2. The Value is an amount related to this event. This is a number which could represent a score, or a value amount the coin represents. GameAnalytics uses this value to calculate sums and averages of similar events. In this case, we do not need to use this so it can be left blank.
We are finally ready to start analyzing our data! Whenever someone plays the game from the App Store or the Hub, our game will automatically start sending the data to GameAnalytics. Playing your game from the editor will not track events, so give it a shot by saving and exiting the editor then playing your game from the projects screen.