Get Position


The Get Position behavior returns the current position for the selected object. This will return X and Y coordinates of where your object is in your scene, or where it is placed on the screen. 

This behavior will trigger an event immediately.



Triggers Immediately

Object A

This is the object that will return its position. By default the current object is selected, but you can tap the graphic and choose any other object in your scene.

Screen Coordinates

If this toggle is on, the position that is returned will be relative to the screen rather than the world (scene). You can learn more about screen coordinates in the Canvas documentation 



Position X

The current position of the selected object along the X axis

Position Y

The current position of the selected object along the Y axis.

Object ID

This outputs the Object ID.



If you want to know exactly where an object is in your scene, or where it appears on screen you can use this behavior to get the position.

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