Dragged Finger


The Dragged Finger behavior is used to check if you have dragged your finger over an object.

This behavior will Trigger an event once when you drag your finger over an object in any direction.



Triggers Once on Event

Object A

This is the object you want to check if a finger has been dragged over. By default the current object is selected, but you can choose any object in your scene.

Use World Coordinates

This toggle will switches the output to be relative to the wold instead of the object. So, it will output the coordinates of where you dragged based off the entire scene, instead of a specific location on the object.




This value indicates how how far your finger dragged on the object in the X axis. Negative numbers indicate you have dragged left, positive indicates it's dragged right.


This value indicates how how far your finger dragged on the object in the Y axis. Negative numbers indicate you have dragged down, positive indicates it's dragged upward.

Object ID

This outputs the Object ID.



You can use this behavior to create a custom draggable UI element like a scroll bar. You can output how far you dragged the scroll bar, and output the values to a move behaviour to move the bar by that much.  

Download Example Project



Stopped Touching




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